You’ve probably all seen and heard of how intelligent an octopus can be. Aside from correctly picking the winner before a football match, and secretly pilfering fish from other tanks in aquariums, they have three hearts, and eight arms, which they can use independently to do eight things at once. Unfortunately, you do not have eight arms.
If you are working crazy hours in your small business to get everything done, maybe you need to consider outsourcing? “But you don’t understand…” – We know it can be hard to visualise letting any of the tasks go because they all seem important. Even scarier might be letting a stranger into your business. But a VA is not a stranger for long; they will quickly become part of your team. The best part is, your team gains their expert knowledge along with the smarts from all the VA team members when needed.
Outsourcing means more time for you. You get to focus on your core business, you are more productive, and you have peace of mind that everything will get done to a high standard. We have worked extra hard putting this list together of the tasks you can outsource. It also serves to demonstrate how outsourcing and working with a VA, well, works!
Jobs You Hate and Procrastinate Over? Is there a task that you dread and delay doing? Maybe it’s a task that takes too long, you don’t enjoy it, or you aren’t good at it. Whatever it is, this is the first job that you outsource. The immense relief you will feel for not having to do that task anymore will be all the incentive you need!
Repetitive Tasks Are there tasks that you do over and over? Jobs that must be done, but don’t add any value to your business. Pass these on quick smart. Even if it only saves you 10 minutes a day, that adds up to almost an hour a week that you gain.
Gaps In Your Knowledge We can’t be good at everything! Maybe there is something you struggle through all the time, something that can be done better by someone else? Hand that task on. Not only will you save time, you will get a better end result by having an expert handle it.
Sending and Answering Emails Monitoring your inbox can be a huge investment of time, not to mention a distraction. Allow a VA to answer your day-to-day queries, leaving only the important emails for you to deal with.
Social Media Management It is so important to have an active social media presence, but it is not important to check up on your friend’s relationship dramas during work time. Inevitably, that is what ends up happening when you open Facebook to check your messages. Remove the possibility of distraction by having a VA create and schedule your content.
Newsletters Gosh, newsletters take a long time to put together… unless you outsource them to a VA. Instead of finding content, writing articles, searching for images, and then formatting a template, you can simply approve what your VA has put together for you.
Daily Financial Tasks Easy to outsource = invoicing, account reconciliation and debt collection. These are vital tasks, which a VA can manage with ease and efficiency.
Don’t procrastinate about outsourcing anymore! Give yourself the gift of time by passing on some of the jobs to the team at Virtual Assistants. Remember, the goal is to work smarter not harder! Do the tasks that you do the best, then simply outsource the rest (hey, that rhymes! I feel a jingle coming on). Get in touch with us today and see what it’s like to have four arms instead of two.